1701 Russell Blvd., Davis CA 95616
Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:00am-12:30pm
Youth Ministry
As a member of the Sierra Pacific Synod we at LCI whole heartedly support the ministry opportunities put on by this group of students and young adults. We participate in three retreats each year. The elementary retreat, for 3rd through 6th graders, and junior high retreat, for 7th and 8th graders, takes place in the fall with the high school retreat taking place in the spring.
This is a fantastic way to learn about God’s love and have fun with multiple other Lutheran congregations throughout Northern California.
Junior High
Our 7th and 8th graders also meet Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:15. This is a time to have fun, work on some light bible study and hang out with friends. Because most of our junior high students are participating the confirmation program on Sunday evening, Sunday mornings offer a lighter load for this already busy group of youth.
We also meet a few times throughout the year to have some fun off campus so please see our monthly calendar to view events.
High School
LCI hosts a family program the first Friday of every month October through April from 5:30-6:30. This is an intentional time to celebrate holidays with families of children ages 3 to 11. We enjoy a lesson, songs, crafts and themed snacks. Children and Families focus on how our faith is present in our everyday lives even on holidays like Halloween, Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day. Please contact Lindsey Burns with questions.
First Communion
First Communion class, "A Place for You", is offered for children of all ages and their parents are invited to be a part of the class. Families in consultation with Pastor Dan may decide when they feel the class would be beneficial and when they are ready to start receiving communion. Classes are generally held in the spring with First Communion celebrated sometime around Easter.
Communion at LCI is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
Questions can be directed to the church office.
LCI offers a confirmation program, together with Davis Lutheran Church, generally for seventh and eighth graders. The program is intended to develop students' faith through learning and community to prepare for the Rite of Confirmation. Pastor Dan leads the class together with Youth Minister Lindsey Burns and volunteer small group leaders.
Classes are held Sunday afternoons at LCI and at Davis Lutheran Church from September through May. In the fall after the two-year course (generally ninth grade), participants may choose to be confirmed on Reformation Sunday in October. For more information about this program please contact Pastor Dan or visit our Youth Ministry page.
Campus Ministry
LCI supports the Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at The Belfry, a campus ministry serving the students, staff, and faculty at UC Davis. The Belfry is located at 216 A Street, and offers college students and young adults in Davis opportunities for fellowship & friendship, inspiration & learning, reflection & worship through personal relationships, small & large group activities, and spirit-renewing retreats & conferences.
For more information contact Pastor Casey Dunsworth at the Belfry: (530) 756-1550 or visit www.thebelfry.org.
Mt. Cross Bible Camp
Mt. Cross Bible Camp operated by Lutheran Outdoor Ministries provides the members and friends of LCI an opportunity for a wonderful fun and spirit filled week of Day Camp. LCI partners with Davis Lutheran Church, St. martin's Episcopal Church and Davis Community Church to host this annual summer event for children ages 3-18. Families and children look forward to attending this camp on wheels each summer. There is an opportunity for all ages. The four partner churches take turns organizing and hosting the camp each summer, and all children are welcome to attend.
High School
Our high School group at LCI has a passion for serving while growing in faith. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15 for purposeful study. This year we will be doing three focused studies on every day temptations that teens battle, and how to answer that bigger calling we hear at times in our lives.
We also focus on serving our community by participating in Davis Community Meals, the Winter Rotating Shelter and in the greater church through Lutheran World Relief’s Act 2 Day 4 Tomorrow, raising awareness about our world’s hunger problems.
We also love to have fun together. We have monthly events that range from haunted adventures in October to mini golf in the Spring.
A Youth Lord's Prayer
The following prayer was created by the youth of LCI. They sought to capture the essence of the "Lord's Prayer" in words that speak to youth in our place and time.
‘S up Padre? Good job!
You are da Man!
Please give me the stuff
I need to live!
Forgive me for my sins, Dude!
I am so sorry for my actions,…Dude.
Please save us from our problems
in the pit, man!
Keep us from the devil, Man!
The world, the wisdom, and the
strength belong to you!
Past, present and future.
Let it be!
Parental Information
Above all else, we hope to create a quality youth ministry program that consists of a safe and nurturing environment for your children. This web page is also meant to be used by parents to see just what their children are doing at youth group events.
In order for your child to participate in any sort of overnight event or camp, you or a guardian must sign a liability waiver and form of consent. Below are the links to download all forms. Occasionally, there will be other forms posted with more information for students and parents alike (for example, camping lists or schedules of events).
Sunday School Registration Form.pdf
Photo Policy:
LCI will not post any photos of your child on this website until we are given legal permission by you. We want the youth at LCI to be able to view and download photos from youth group events, and therefore require that all parents must sign a Photo Release Waiver. Please download from below and return to the church office:
Photo Waiver.pdf
Still have questions? We want all parents to feel comfortable with the youth ministry program at LCI. We would love to get to know you just as much as your children. If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns about the youth program at LCI, please do not hesitate to contact our Youth Director, Lindsey Burns.